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Saturday, 18 November 2017

November 18, 2017

How to hack a Gmail account password?

                           Image result for hack gmail
Friends today a m gone you teach you how to hack any g mail password,
Hacking Gmail or Google is the second most searched account hacking topic in the internet next to hacking Facebook account. This article is some what similar to my previous article about Facebook password hacker.
People think that hacking in to a Gmail account is easy and all they need is a hacking tool either online or offline but the truth is very different. I found many Gmail hackers are available around the internet but you know what? All of them are fake and posted only in the intention of making money.
You might also be interested in hacking facebook fan page and hacking facebook account articles
Do you think an innovative company like Google is dumb in identifying such hacking techniques against their multi billion dollar firm. In fact they are very much aware of these hacking techniques through a program called Bug Bounty Program where security researchers / whitehat hackers around the world find and report security vulnerabilities (hacking techniques or system weakness) to Google. Google take necessary action immediately and reward those people who made a responsible disclosure to them.
Then how come a few people get their Gmail account password hacked when there is no hacking tool? There is no easy way to do it but it does not mean that it is impossible.  Yes there are ways to hack in to a Google account. I have prepared a detailed list of how hackers could hack our Gmail / Google account and it’s prevention measures.
Please bear in mind that this article is posted for education purpose and must not be used for malicious purposes. 

1 Phishing 

Phishing is the most common technique used for hacking Gmail account password and it has highest success rate while comparing to all other gmail password hacking methods due to its trustworthy layout and appearance. It do not need much technical knowledge to get a phishing page done and that is why phishing is widely used for hacking gmail passwords.

How phishing works?

In simple words, Phishing is a process of creating a duplicate copy of a reputed website’s page in the intention of stealing user’s password or other sensitive information like credit card details. In our topic, Creating a page which perfectly looks like Gmail login page but in a different URL like gooogle.com or gmaail.com or any URL that pretends to be legit. When a user lands on such a page, he/she might think that is real Gmail login page and asking them to provide their username and password. So the people who do not find phishing page suspicious might enter their username, password and the password information would be sent to the Gmail hacker who created the phishing page, simultaneously the victim would get redirected to original Gmail page.
Example : Alex is a programmer who have little knowledge in web technologies (Gmail hacker in our context). He creates a login page that perfectly looks like Gmail login page with a PHP script in background that helps alex to receive the username and password typed in the phishing page. Alex put that phishing page in a URL – https://www.gmauil.com/money-making-tricks.html. Alex sends a message to Peter “Hey Peter I found a way to make money online you must check this out https://www.gmauil.com/money-making-tricks.html”. Peter navigate to the link and see a Gmail login page. As usual Peter enters his username and password. Now the username and password of Peter would be sent to Alex (that background php do that sending process) and Peter is redirected to a money making tips page https://www.gmauil.com/money-making-tricks.html. That’s all Peter’s Gmail account is hacked.  Learn more about phishing.

How could you protect yourself from Gmail phishing?

Hackers can reach you in many ways like gmail emails, personal messages, Facebook messages, Website ads etc. Clicking on any links from these messages would lead you to a Gmail login page. Whenever you find a Gmail or Google login page, you should note only one thing that is URL because nobody can spoof / use Google URL except when there are some XSS zero day vulnerabilities but that’s very rare.
  1. What is the URL you see in browser address bar?
  2. Is that really https://mail.google.com/ or https://www.gmail.com/ (Trailing slash is important since it is the only separator in Google chrome to distinguish domain and sub domain. Check out the below examples to know the difference)?
  3. Is there a Green color secure symbol (HTTPS) provided in the address bar?
Keeping these questions in your mind would prevent you from getting hacked of phishing. Also see the below examples of phishing pages.
Some super perfect phishing pages are listed below.
Gmail Hacker Phishing Page
Note the misleading URL – Gmail / Google Phishing Page
Most people won’t suspect this page (snapshot given above) since there is https prefix with green color secure icon and no mistake in accounts.google.com. But this is a phishing page, how? Note the URL correctly. It is https://accounts.google.com.infoknown.com so accounts.google.com is a subdomain of infoknown.com. Google Chrome do not differentiate the sub-domain and domain unlike Firefox do.
SSL Certificates (HTTPS) can be obtained from many vendors, few vendors give SSL Certificate for Free for 1 year. It is not a big deal for a novice to create a perfect phishing page like this. So beware of it.
Gmail Phishing Page ExampleThis is normal phishing page with some modification in the word Google.
Do you want to make money online with zero investment? Then do read our blogspot tutorial to know more!

2 Social Engineering

This is the second most common technique of hacking Gmail accounts. Actually this method shouldn’t come under Hacking since there is no much knowledge required here. I am listing this method under hacking to ensure the list of most common techniques used for Gmail account hacking in their respective order. Social engineering is basically a process of gathering information about someone whose account you need to hack. Information like date of birth, their mobile number, their boyfriend / girlfriend’s mobile number, nickname, mother’s name, native place etc.

How Social Engineering works?

Security Question

Many websites have a common password reset option called Security Question. Most common security questions would be “What is your nickname?” , “What is your 10th grade score?” , “What is your native place?” or any custom questions defined by user. Obtaining these information from the respective people might let us hack into their account. Gmail too provides security question as password recovery option.  So if anyone get to know the answer of it, they could hack your account using forgot password option.

Most Common and Weak Passwords

Security Question does not let you get into others Gmail account easily. But setting a weak password could easily allow any of your friends to hack into your account. What is a weak password in this scenario? A password which can be easily guessed by a third person is called weak password.  Below are some of the most common passwords people tend to use in Gmail.
  • Mobile Number
  • Nickname / Name and Date of Birth Conjunction
  • Boy Friend’s / Girl Friend’s Mobile Number – Most of the lovers ðŸ˜›
  • Boy Friend’s / Girl Friend’s Name – Most of the lovers ðŸ˜›
  • Boy Friend and Girl Friend Name Combination
  • Bike Number
  • Unused / Old Mobile Number
  • Pet Name
  • Closest Person Name (can be friends too)
Now be honest and comment here if you are one of the people who have any one of the common passwords mentioned above. Don’t forget to change your password before making a comment ðŸ˜‰

How could you protect yourself from Social Engineering? 

Security Question

Don’t have a weak or familiar security question/answer. It should be known only to you. You should always keep your recovery phone number and email updated.

Most Common and Weak Passwords

Very simple. Change your Gmail password now if you have any one of the weak passwords stated above.

3 Plain Password Grabbing

This is another common method used to steal Gmail user’s password. Most people are unaware of these method but traditional hackers use this method to hack user accounts.

How Plain Password Grabbing works? 

In this method, the Gmail hacker / attacker target a particular low quality website where the victim is a member and hack their database to get the stored plain username & password of victim. Here how could the hacker / attacker get access to Gmail? Many of us use the same password for Gmail and some poorxyz.com so its easy for a Gmail hacker to get your password through the low quality poorxyz.com.
In another scenario, the Gmail hacker / attacker creates a website in the intention of getting victim’s password. Whenever a user signup or register his account using email and create a password and those details will get stored in their db. So the Gmail hacker get your email and password. Common people who uses same email and password for these kind of low quality websites might end up getting their Gmail account hacked.

How could you protect yourself from Gmail Plain Password Grabbing? 

You should never trust third party low quality websites, even popular websites like Linkedin passwords are getting hacked. So never and ever trust third party low quality websites. Most of the website developers are storing plain passwords in database without even thinking about encryption or security. This makes Gmail hackers job easy since the password is stored as plain text. Best way to prevent this method is to have a unique password at least for websites that you really trust. Don’t use your Gmail password for any other website/portal and that’s when your password will never get exposed.

4 Key Logger

Key logger is a software tool used to record keystrokes of a computer. This in turn records everything you type using your keyboard and store it for use.
Also read how to Unblock YouTube, Facebook and other websites easily

How Key Logging works?

All keyloggers run in background (except trail versions) and won’t be viewable to users until you know the keylogger password and shortcut used to view it. It will record all the keys pressed and give you a detailed report of when and what keys are used for what application – Simply a clean report to identify passwords. Anyone who is reading the keylogger logs might be able to see the Gmail password or any passwords typed and sensitive information like credit cards, bank username password etc. Whenever you login to a public computer, there are chances for you to get your password hacked.
In another scenario, your friend/colleague/neighbor could ask you to login using their computer as a help. If their intention is to get your password then you are most likely to get your FB account hacked.

How could you protect yourself from Key Logging?

You need not be afraid of key loggers when you use your personal computer since you are the only one who is going to access it. But whenever you use any public computer or any of your friend’s computer, you should not trust it.
I always suggest my friends to use On Screen Keyboard whenever they are in need to type a password, also please make sure nobody is checking your screen while you type your password since your screen would expose what you had typed. In windows, there is a inbuilt tool called On Screen Keyboard that helps us to select keys using mouse.  You can open OSK by using Run dialog box. WinKey + R opens Run dialog box, type osk and then press enter. Now a days many banking portals provide a screen keyboard in browser itself. So please make use of it whenever you are surfing in public computers.

5 Browser Extension Gmail Hacker

This method don’t let the Gmail hacker / attacker give complete access to your Gmail account but gives some power to control your account indirectly. I’ve seen multiple Google Chrome and Firefox addons which secretly perform actions like sharing a post in Google plus, following a Google+ page etc.

How Browser extension Gmail hacker works?

When you visit some malicious websites or webpages, you will be prompted to install a browser addon. Once you install the addon, it would perform all the tasks described by Gmail hacker or attacker who created it. Some primary actions are posting status updates in your Google+ wall, following a Google page, following a person, inviting your friends etc. You may not know these things happening in your Google account except when you check your Google Activities periodically.

How could you prevent browser extension Gmail hacker?

You can monitor your Gmail account activities using a feature called Google History. You should not trust any third party websites prompting you to add a browser extension. Install addons only if you trust the publisher. Why should you take risk if you don’t know the publisher or intention of the addon? Always stay from these malicious browser extensions.

6 Browser Vulnerabilities 

browser vulnerabilities gmail hack
Browser Vulnerabilities are security bugs which exists in older versions of mobile and desktop browsers.

How browser vulnerabilities works in Gmail hacking?

Most browser vulnerabilities are exploited through an older version of browser since all of the zero days are patched by browser vendor once it is reported by researchers around the world. For example, Browser Same Origin Policy Vulnerability could allow a hacker / attacker to read response of any Page like Gmail and could be able to perform any action in your Gmail account since they are able to read the response by accessing the Google.com origin. Android Chrome SOP bypass by Rafay Baloch is one such vulnerability that is affecting Android webview in Android < 4.4.

How could you prevent yourself from browser vulnerabilities?

You should always update your browser and operating system once there is an updated version available. Keeping an older version always have many risk factors involved.

7 Self XSS Scam 

Self XSS also known as Self Cross Site Scripting. XSS is basically a web security vulnerability, it enables hackers to inject scripts to web pages used by other users. What is self XSS then? Self XSS is a kind of social engineering attack where a victim accidentally executes a script, thus exploiting it to the hacker.

How Gmail self XSS scam works?

In this method, hacker promises to help you hack somebody else’s Gmail account. Instead of giving you access to someone else’s account, the hacker tricks you into running malicious Javascript in your browser console that gives hacker the ability to manipulate your account.

How could you prevent yourself from self XSS?

Self XSS is something that you let hackers to hack your account ðŸ˜› Never and ever copy & paste code given by someone in your browser. Otherwise you will get your Gmail account hacked.

8 Trojan Horses 

Trojan Horse is a malicious program which is used to spy and control a computer by misleading users of its true intent. Malware Trojan can also be called as Remote Key Logger since it records key strokes of all the applications of our computer and send it to the hacker.

How Trojan Horse Gmail hacking works?

software you think legit might be a trojan. A PDF you don’t suspect might contain a trojan. A avi media file you have might be a trojan. Trojan horses runs in the backgroud process, collect information and send it to hacker. Trojan horses can be sent in any form through any medium like pen drive, ipod, website or email. In our topic, Trojan records Gmail password that you have typed in your browser and send it to the Gmail hacker using Internet.

How could you prevent yourself from Trojan?

  • Don’t install programs from unknown source.
  • Don’t play media files received from unknown source.
  • Don’t open any kind of files downloaded from untrusted sources.
  • Don’t insert pen drive from any suspicious people.
  • Have an updated anti-virus software installed in your computer.
Having an updated anti-virus software do not guarantee you to stay safe from hacking. Basically an anti-virus software is a collection of detected malwares and viruses. Its job is to compare each and every file with their database of viruses. There are many softwares which enable us to create a undetectable trojans. But it is very unlikely to target a common man with undetectable trojanware. So having a updated antivirus program is some what protective.

9 Gmail Zero Day

Zero day is a security vulnerability that are unknown to the respective software vendor. In our context, Undiscovered Gmail vulnerabilities are called Gmail Zero Day.

How Gmail Zero Day hacking works?

Gmail zero day vulnerabilities are very rare since Google runs a bug bounty program where security researchers around the world participate and report zero day vulnerabilities. It is basically a security loop hole that is unaware to Google. It can be any hack affecting Gmail. There are two types of people who find zero day vulnerabilities. First case is Security Researchers and Bug hunters who make a responsible disclosure about the vulnerability to the software vendor, Gmail in our context. Another case falls under evil side, black hat hackers who find zero day vulnerabilities don’t disclose it to Gmail  and they will use it for their personal benefit of hacking.

How could you prevent yourself from Zero Day found by a hacker?

You need not be afraid of a zero day vulnerability affecting Google. As i have said earlier, zero day vulnerabilities are very rare. In most cases zero day vulnerabilities are targeted only at influential people and celebrities. It is rare to target a common man using a zero day vulnerability.
If You have any problem about this article you can comment below your problem soon i will resolve your problem 
Muhammad Rauf:

November 18, 2017


September 13, 2017


The new features coming to Premiere Pro CC this Fall take new aim at collaborative editing and motion graphics workflows. In Premiere Pro CC 2018, video creators will find new ways of sharing projects, new ways of VR/360 video storytelling, and new ways to adapt motion graphics to fit project requirements. 


After exploring Premiere Pro CC 2018, here are the 5 new features we're most excited about:
  1. Multiple Open Projects
  2. Shared Projects
  3. Immersive Video Effects and Transitions
  4. Responsive Design tools (Timing and Position)
  5. 8 New Label Colors
In this review, we'll take a close look at all five of these features. But first, if you're looking for a 1-minute rundown of what's coming in Premiere Pro CC 2018, we recommend you watch the official Adobe preview of what's new in Premiere Pro CC 2018:

Deep collaboration features; immersive, end-to-end VR/360 workflows; Responsive Design time and position-based controls for working with motion graphics; and much more - coming soon to Adobe Premiere Pro CC.


This will take some Premiere Pro users straight back to Final Cut Pro 7. Premiere Pro has long been criticized for not supporting multiple open projects. The ability to browse and import assets from other Premiere Pro project files with the Media Browser was a practical albeit incomplete solution. Not so any longer!
CC 2018 will be the first version of Premiere Pro to allow users to browse, import, and most importantly, edit, between multiple open projects. Watch the official Adobe preview of Multiple Open Projects in Premiere Pro CC 2018:

Open, access, and work on multiple projects at the same time - coming soon to Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Opening another project inside your active one is easy: select Open Project from the File menu or use the default keyboard shortcut Control/Command+O. You can also right-click Premiere Pro project files in the Media Browser and choose Open Project. You can have as many open projects as you want.
Closing a Project panel does not remove it from the active project. You can see what projects are open in the Window > Projects menu as shown below. This also comes in handy if you happen to loose track of a Project panel in your workspace. (It can happen!)
NOTE: Opening a project file from a previous version of Premiere Pro will require you to update it to CC 2018. 
If you make changes to an open project, you will be prompted to save it when quitting the master project.
The benefit of having multiple open projects is you can drag assets between them seamlessly. It allows users to edit media from one open project directly into the sequence of another open project. It's obvious that this multi-project workflow will immensely accelerate cutting scenes and shows in a series where assets are frequently reused. On that note, hopefully you're already using template projects (saved projects with custom bin structures and commonly used assets) because they will certainly be practical now!
NOTE: Importing assets from one open project to another does not move the source media. 


The simplest way to describe the new Shared Projects in Premiere Pro CC 2018 is Team Projects for shared storage networks. Team Projects is for the cloud; Shared Projects is for shared storage. Watch the official Adobe preview to see an overview of Shared Projects in Premiere Pro CC 2018:

Work seamlessly with multiple editors or assistants on a single project simultaneously - coming soon to Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Shared Projects begin in the new Collaboration menu under Preferences. Enable Project Locking and create a User Name for yourself or your edit bay.
The User Name will appear in the new Project Locked metadata category, which displays the current owner of the project file. The owner has write access to the project, to all other users the project will be read-only.
In the bottom left corner of the Premiere Pro CC 2018 interface is the Project Lock icon. When the lock is green/unlocked it means the file is writable, and you can save changes. Red/locked means the project is read-only - to you. However, if you're the owner of a Shared Project, when you lock the project (red) it means the project is available to other users on the network to take over.
 Here's an easy way to remember what the Project Lock status means:
  • Green = me
  • Red = them
You can create Shared Projects inside active projects under the New Item icon. The new Shared Project will automatically be read-only to other users.
When you're finished making changes to your Shared Project, click the lock icon so that it turns red/locked. This will allow other users to take over the project.
NOTE: The Project Lock will remain in its current state until you change it, even when you close Premiere Pro. 


Premiere Pro CC continues to lead the charge in VR/360 video with a new offering of Immersive Video Effects and Transitions. Watch the official preview below:

These new VR/360 video effects are the lovechild from Adobe's acquisition of Mettle's SkyBox Suite. Notice that all of the new Immersive Video Effects and Transitions are GPU accelerated. That's a big leap forward for native VR/360 video editing in ANY NLE. Period.
Editors not familiar with VR/360 video need to understand that standard video effects do not work with equirectangular video, mainly because it produces a seam where the edges of the frame come together. The new Immersive Video Effects and Transitions in Premiere Pro CC 2018 are purposefully designed for VR/360 video in that they are literally seamless when applied to equirectangular video. See the difference below, when a Gaussian Blur effect is applied to a 360 video clip, and when the new VR Blur effect is applied.
These new Immersive Video Effects and Transitions will empower new VR/360 video storytelling within Premiere Pro CC 2018. With the new Immersive Video Effects and Transitions, Premiere Pro CC 2018 will truly provide a native end-to-end VR/360 video editing workflow.


The actual editing experience in Premiere Pro is about to get more immersive, that is if you have a VR head-mounted display, like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. In Premiere Pro CC 2018, editors will be able to navigate a new VR timeline in what will be called the "Adobe Immersive Environment." This feature will be accessible under the Playback preferences, and will only be available to PC users upon initial release. Editing with a VR controller in the Adobe Immersive Environment can be done in tandem with traditional (keyboard, mouse) editing tools.


The Essential Graphics panel, Motion Graphics Templates, and titling tools all see improvements in Premiere Pro CC 2018. Watch the official Adobe preview below to see all the updates in action.
Updates to the Essential Graphics panel and Motion Graphics templates include responsive design, the ability to manipulate multiple graphics layers, and more - coming soon to Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
The big new feature is Responsive Design, which will come in two flavors:
  1. Responsive Design - Time
  2. Responsive Design - Position
Responsive Design - Time can be found in the Essential Graphics panel where that awkward empty space under the Edit tab used to be. This area is now reserved for Responsive Design - Time and other clip-based settings, which apply to the whole graphic clip. One might expect to see more graphic clip-based controls to go here in future release.
Responsive Design - Position, on the other hand, is layer-based and can be found alongside the other title tools in the Essential Graphics panel.


With Responsive Design - Time, keyframe animations will adapt when making ripple edits to graphic clips in the Timeline. This will allow editors to create complex title animations and Motion Graphics Templates that can be responsively retimed to fit any sequence in any open project. 
The important thing to realize is you're defining the intro and outro by duration. This means you're selecting keyframes based on a range of time and not the keyframes themselves. Keyframes within the selected duration will be pinned to the beginning or end of the clip.
Once the Intro and Outro Durations have been set, you will see the range selected in the Effect Controls panel. You will also see the selected range highlighted on the clip in the Timeline. (See image below.) If the clip is shortened to less than the Intro and Outro Durations, the relative timing of the animation will still be preserved. When making ripple edits to the graphic clip, the intro and outro animation will be preserved. 


Using the new Responsive Design - Position controls, you can pin a layer to another layer or to the video frame itself. Pined layers will automatically adjust to changes made to other layers based on the positioning you've selected. This responsive positioning applies when typing new text or when adding Motion Graphics Templates to sequences with different aspect ratios.


The Essential Graphics panel in Premiere Pro CC 2018 will include a Roll setting for creating rolling titles and credits. Set the amount of pre and postroll, easing, and whether or not the animation will begin/end offscreen.


In Premiere Pro CC 2018, you will be able to preview fonts in the Essential Graphics panel like you could in the Legacy Title Designer. *Audible sigh of relief.* Even better, users will be able to save commonly used fonts as favorites by clicking on the stars to the left of the fonts. You will then be able to filter fonts to only show ones you've favorited. Typekit fonts will also have their own filter.
Lastly, editors will no longer need After Effects CC in order to use and edit Motion Graphics Templates made in After Effects. "Most" Motion Graphics Templates properties will be editable in Premiere Pro without having After Effects installed.
It's exciting to see the Essential Graphics panel toolset expanding, particularly with the addition of the Responsive Design features. We believe this will be a breakthrough in motion graphics workflows, and Premiere Pro CC 2018 is still only the beginning of the Essential Graphics era.


Premiere Pro CC 2018 will add 8 new Label Colors for a grand total of 16. It's a small thing with BIG organizational benefits, and it will have many long-time Premiere Pro users jumping for joy!
Not to worry, all your favorite Label Color names, like Cerulean and Lavender, are still there. They remain assigned to the 8 Label Defaults like before. The 8 new Label Colors have no default assignments, and can be used in your own label coloring system. As before, you can customize the Label Colors by clicking on the color swatch.
Another cool thing about the new Label Colors is they will carry over to Audition CC as clip colors. After Effects, however, has its own label system.
With the addition of new features like Shared Projects and Multiple Open Projects, it's not a bad time to consider how Label Colors can be used as a communication tool in collaborative editing workflows.


Premiere Pro CC 2018 will finally give users a native solution for closing gaps in the timeline. It’s called: Close Gaps. It’s a Sequence command so it will be found under Sequence > Close Gaps. Alternatively, you will be able to assign Close Gaps a custom keyboard shortcut.
Close Gaps will work with clip selection as well. So you can select the clips themselves or a specific gap to close.


Premiere Pro CC 2018 will be available this Fall.